Westside Surgical Hospital

Methodist Sugar Land Hospital Expansion*

George and Cynthia Mitchell
Basic Sciences Research Building*

UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Alkek Tower Vertical Expansion*

Florence Hospital at Anthem*
with a previous firm.

Bill Alexander has been managing and delivering large,
complex projects since 1977. A
registered architect and accomplished project manager, Bill provides
proactive, pragmatic direction and management of design and construction teams for the
successful delivery of projects.
His technical expertise and decades of
professional experience are especially valuable in understanding contract
documents and evaluating the impact of complex building designs relative to the
overall successful completion of the project.
His wealth of knowledge is the result of
leadership roles on major programs in a variety of healthcare projects, including acute care hospitals, medical research facilities, tertiary and quaternary care facilities and academic medical center projects.
Bill earned a Bachelor of Architecture degree at
Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. The projects at right include his project leadership experience with Medica and previous firms. Bill's professional memberships,
registrations and affiliations include:
- American College of Healthcare Executives
- American Institute of Architects
- American Society of Healthcare Engineers
- Construction Management Association of America
- Construction Owner’s Association of America
- National Association of Construction Auditors
- National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
- Texas Society of Architects